have had time to create another amazing expert group for the Spring on insects.
I decided to expand it to six insects covering the Monarch Butterfly, bumble
bee, dragonfly, ladybug, grasshopper, and Luna Moth. Each insect comes with a
KWL chart, Can/Have/Are chart, non-fiction article, note taking worksheet,
definition worksheet, and paragraph writing sheet.
should be placed into groups. Each group works on one insect. They start by completing
the “K” part of the KWL, writing down everything that they already know about
their insect. After this, students should start reading and taking notes on the
insect they are assigned.
Then, they work on
defining all bold terms. After they have completed reading and taking notes,
have the students complete the can/have/are. They will take this with them as
they move into new jigsaw groups with experts on different insects. Each
member will share out their knowledge on their insect. Finally have each
student write an essay or each group create a poster showing the knowledge they
gained in their expert group. This is a great way to incorporate non-fiction
CCS into spring.